Um. Bored much?

Listening to: Joshua Radin
Feeling: frozen
Is this a sin? Eh, I'm pretty much updating just for the sake of updating. So, I dragged my mom and aunt with me to see Sideways. I knew I would like it, but I was somewhat surprised with how much I actually did enjoy it. I have decided that Paul Giamatti is awesome. The movie was very funny. You should all go see it. Kelly Osbourne is a weird one. Sadly enough, this is about all i can scrape from my mind to type for the masses. The masses of like . . . 3 people. So i shall stop babbling now. Yes. Yes indeed.
Read 3 comments
Yay! I'm just visiting random sites.
haha am i included in the three? if not TORi=one more! wee

have fun...

haha am i included in the three? if not TORi=one more! wee

have fun...
