
Feeling: disappointed
Okay, so, today suuuuuucked. But whatever. Mica is feeling better, and im glad i could kinda help her. :/ Anyway. . . i was looking through my old journal entries, and i found one that i rather liked, and figured that it was time to resurrect it. So, here goes. . . "Do you ever get that feeling that you're falling? Like there is so much going on, and there is nothing you can do about it, and you just keep sinking further and further into something that you have no control over? Well, thats kinda how things are now, only the people that i am used to being on the other side of my safety rope, have been slightly preoccupied, and have let the rope slip from their grasp... I dont know if this is my fault, for secluding myself, or not being honest about what i want... but i think that it is. I am, surprisingly, a very passive person, especially when it comes to my friends. I am so afraid of disappointing them, so i just go with whatever the fuck is going on and pretend that i am happy. My friend told me the other day, that i look alot like the mona lisa, of course she said this in jest, but i found a deeper meaning to this, otherwise akward comparison. The mona lisa is smiling. So, she has to be happy... doesnt she? Did you ever look at someone, and try to figure out what they are thinking? It is quite difficult to infer ones thoughts solely by the expression on their face. They could be thinking anything! It is not for you to decide, because the truth is, they may be just as confused as you are. So, why, just because she is smiling,are you correct to assume that she is happy? Think again." Ithink that this entry can somewhat discribe almost everyone that i know right now. Thats a scary thought. Why cant we just be happy?
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because happiness is under rated. people assume that to be happy you have to be sad. atleast, some yeh- some of its for attention, some is out of habit, some is pure depression...who knows...what we live in is a world of cheaters and liars where even the honest are jaded.


*looks at her jaded shiny*