Listening to: Trustcompany - downfall
Feeling: disappointed
Omg. I am so fucking sick of this bullshit.
Why is it that everytime i like a guy, one of my best friends decide that they like i him too. And then im supposed to feel bad bc they feel guitly about it. Ya know, i will NEVER understand why this keeps happening to me. I just need to find a guy that doesnt go to ecole, that none of my friends know. Bc that way, i MIGHT not get fucked over.
Another thing i will never understand is why they always want the other one. What is SO terribly wrong with me???? GOD!!!! I dont get it!! What the fuck is wrong with me? i dont think im THAT bad!
I hate guys. I hate girls. I need to just be like. . . .asexual.
People suck.
Fuck it.
is it ok if i don't care anymore? we all give up sometimes, and i guess that should be good enough for me.
yeah sorry... random.
yes, it would be a good idea to find a guy your friends know nothing about. it's much less complicated.