They come and go. . .

Listening to: Copeland - Coffee
Feeling: jaded
Okay, so yeah. My head itches. Yesterday, i went to Kidsports for a birthday party for my 4 year old cousin, Jules. Big fun. But my old friend Stuart works there, and DAMN. . . stuart grew up! heh heh. so it was cool seeing him again. Then i went to Stef's house, and chilled with stef, alex, dan, and earl. It was fun. I love those people. I missed chilling with friends, i kinda forgot what it was like. But i have been doing it alot more recently, well, with certain ones anyway, and its really nice. And my liney is finally out of nocca, so thats good. I havent really chilled with mica lately, but, as she always says, i have my friends, and she has hers. I guess there just cant be a middle ground... Things have kinda been mucho confusing as of late, and i dunno..its weird. And i just really needed my friends to help get me through it. I made a HUGE decision last night. I need to do something, and i have decided to stop being a loser, and just do it. So im gonna. I dont exactly know when, or how it will work out, but im going for it. Im taking a risk. And i think I'll feel alot better afterwards. But i shall write more on this subject in another entry. Thanks to stef and alex for helping me out. You have no idea how much you guys mean to me, and i love you so much. *row row row your boat* So... here i go....looks like Im growing up....
Read 16 comments
to anwser mine its Russel, and aarons is Mychal, and steves is Micheal

1: Roy and Scott are lazy.
2: Evan answered
3: Yes.
I WONT TELL ANYONE. I dont hate my middle name but im glad its my middle name cuz it was the #2 choice for being my regualr name.

*sings* well i guess this is growing up! "YOU! NOW!" haha good times my friend, good times. fondle fondle fondle fondue? haha we were only playing in the street "yeh but if you're gunna do that you should go out to highway" "hey alex, truth or dare?" dare. "okay- you're turn" haha dude that damn fan was AWESOME. oh and by the way-im sure youre doing the right thing. risks arent always bad. good luck! ROW ROW ROW YOUR BOAT GENTLY DOWN THE ROW..uhh
I`m So Happy We Helped. xD

You are The Very Best MAP!!!!

Sorry. . .I couldn`t remember the Words to Row Row Row Row Row Row The Boat. Your Boat. Mine. *Fondle Fondle Fondle* Fondue? Ice Cream! hahaha! Blue!

Earl`s Hair was Straightened and then He Broke the Chair!

Hahahaaaa God We Needa do that EVERY Weekend. :P

Christian just asked Me out. Eww!

I Love You!

Will You go out with Me? Please?

Yeah, no middle ground.

Doesnt much matter anymore anyway.

*the princess*
you have good reachable goals. i like that. Most people like myself have way to far fetched dreams but as long as or them try our hardest then we should make it

hey DC, you know what that's what I'ma call I don't know your name, but anyways, you should be proud, you are one of the only people who make me sing. LOL
THANKS! Im really lazy but when it comes to sports, entertainment, and writing i know what i gotta do. I write for my school newpaper, im editor of the sports section, and this will be my second year as editoer. And i make up for all tha slack from the beginners by doing 2 extra articles on top of my two, plus laying out the paper

YA i really am! ANd i care about it a lot! Its a love of mine! ANyways thanks for the comment

I KNOW WHAT WERE U THINKING!!! Jeeze u hae to have us on ur friends list, were important people! And people love us

I don't know just everytime I see your name I sing. LOL [makebelieve]
hahahahaha woo! thanks!
i just like stopped writing in the diary all the sudden it was weird
and like ahh
well thanks so much !

you might be growing up...but just wait a few years, and you'll discover that growing up was just a lie ^^
how to you get the image text to like follow your mouse around? i cant figure that out. and how do you get that picture thing above the thing that says map? i cant figure that out either...byee!
Yes we are popular but thanks for the commetnts, and continue to keep it up!
