Listening to: Allister - Friday night
Feeling: grr
Yeah so i am FUCKING tired.
i am so effing aggravated that i want to cry.
There are a million different things running through my head right now. (guys mostly haha) and i dont know what the hell to do.
i am so confused. I dont know how i feel about anybody anymore. Its sad. There are 3. . count 'em 3 guys in my head right now. one of them more than the other two. (no, not peter this time haha)
Its crap. I hate it when girls do this....and now im doing it. I feel so hypocritical.
funny thing is. . . i KNOW they dont think about me this much... i dont know why i bother. whatever. . .
i need an effing hug.
fuck it.
comment if ya care!
*wink wink*
I'd hug you if I could but I can't. I totally know what that's like - thinking about certain special people and knowing that they don't care as much or as all. But one of the worse things is just being their friend and liking them... knowing that you have to stay close to them but never get any closer. That's murder. Hey, I feel your pain so if you ever need anything, feel free to talk or vent on me.
hope you figure shit out
eh, welcome to my head though
only difference- none of the dudes think about me
so feel lucky