Silence is not the way

Feeling: addicted
If heaven is on the way. . . Mason leaves on saturday for a week. Everyone seems to be leaving at the same time. My vacation could not come sooner. Alas, i must wait till the end of the month for an escape. But it will be worth the wait. Today, in a somewhat successful attempt to cheer me up, my mom took me out to lunch and shopping and whatnot. I was just about to leave the house, to go walking somewhere, anywhere, when my phone rang, and she asked if i was busy. Before she was able to finish the sentence, i cut her off, and asked her to please come get me. So she did. We went and ate lunch at Zea's, where the food is excellent, and the service isnt half bad either *wink*. My mother is, (if you didnt know) absoutely beautiful. So, needless to say, whenever i go anywhere with her, akward stares and fumbling waiters are quite frequent. And while i love seeing men drop their jaws, and whatever it is they hold in their clumsy hands, the minute they turn their eyes to me, i become so uncomfortable that i want to cry. The only reason that i am looked at like this, is because my mother is so pretty, that most men have to check out her company in joyful hope that it runs in the family. Ew. Anyway . . . After lunch, we went to Barnes and Noble. While my mom searched incessantly on both floors for a book on self-improvment, I sat in a big comfy chair, with a caramel frappuccino, and The Kurt Cobain Journals. Quite interesting, i might say. I found myself staring out of the giant windows, not necessarily at anything. . . just somewhat distracted by the light, due to my A.D.D. haha. This random little Asian boy kept running past me, i suppose he was chasing . . himself. Eh, whatever you have to do to keep yourself occupied. I remember how bored i used to get when my mom would bring me to a bookstore when i was younger. It was torture. Nowadays they have a whole floor for just childrens books, with toys galore, and anything else to keep your rowdy little boy or girl tame, as you look for a book on Kama-Sutra, or How to fold Napkins, or something of the sort. After the sitting area began to fill up more, and two men proceeded to argue about religion, i realized what i was reading, and felt the need to hold the book higher up, bc for some reason, older people are threatened by Kurt Cobain. At least, these sort were. I dont understand why. Their converstion began to bore me, so i wandered around for a minute until i found my mother. On the phone. With her boyfriend. I dont know why, but this made me very sad. I came home to find my brothers watching some random leslie neilsen movie, being the lazy asses that they both are. Gotta love 'em. I also came to no instant messages, no missed calls, no messages, and no mail. That didnt exactly brighten my dispostion. So all-in-all it was a fairly boring day. . . but it gave me some time to think, and its not exactly over yet. I know that tomorrow will leave me with little to no alone time, because i am expecting 3 teenage boys sleeping here, and i am going out tomorrow night. I think. I have neglected my girlfriends in the past few weeks, so a reunion with them should be sweet. I think i have babbled enough for now, so im off to do something more productive . . like stare at my walls.
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the random asian boys are usually the cutest.
isnt dazed and confused a movie? well if there is..the movie that i'm thinking of is awesome! which makes your sitdiary name kick ass