It's POPPY time!

Hey. SO yesterday was busy and stressful, lol. I got up at 11 and straightened my hair and watched "Days" which is CRAZY, and then got ready for work. I went in at 2:30. It was a stressful day at work. Then after work I went straight home, changed clothes, and went to that 'interview' at that family's house. I was stressing it so bad all weekend and week. It wasn't bad at all though, they were really nice and welcoming...although I was still nervous. They offered me something to drink, the husband/dad was all laying on his ottoman with his feet stretched backwards in his chair, and that made me feel comfortable lol. The lady, Deana; was extremely nice. One of the nicest people I have ever met. And their daughter Olivia was so cute. I held her probably about 10 minutes and she just laughed and cooed at me and ate my hair lol. After the questions they had for me, Deana toured me through every room in their house (which by the way is beautiful)'s 2 stories and in a subdivision in Karns. She called my references today, so I hope that went well. But I think the interview went pretty good, but I think they have interviewed other people too and are probably going to narrow it down to I think my chances are halfchance. If I dont get the job, I still had the pleasure of meeting them. I left their house @ 8 and then went to Sonic to eat b/c I hadn't had a bite to eat ALL day long and then I went to Paula's. We watched "The Bachelor" together and then she showed me her wedding pictures and we wached "Extreme MakeOver". I left there at 11 and took Granny some things she needed and her laundry. I finally got home at like 12:30 am after an emotionally exhausting day! I got online until about 1:45 am and then went to bed. I woke up today at 8:40 and got ready real qcuik to meet Lib at 9:30 at Wallace Memorial for some daycare class to get hours in. It was an hour & a half,but we left at 10:30 and went to McDonalds to have lunch. She is so sweet. She invited me to this picnic jamboree thign her church is having with food, live contemporary band, and stuff. I might go. When I was up there waiting on my food Lib had already gotten hers & sat down but I was standing nexto this REALLY hot guy...(dark skin, dark hair, gorgeous eyes & blue bandana on his head (not thug looking, more rebel type bandana). Anyways he looked at me and smiled and I swear he had the MOST country voice in the world hahaha. It didn't go with his looks at all. But he goes "I'm starvin"..and I just smiled thinking "ok" lol. Well a few minutes later they put his food on the tray and he looks at me again and goes "I'll probly have this down before I git to my seat" and I just kinda gave him a fake laugh. lol. He cracked me up. He was fine as can be though. Anyways, On the way home I noticed on my interstate exit that the BEAUTIFUL poppies that East Tennesse grows are in bloom! I got so excited, they are beautiful. They were the red ones although I like the purple ones too. Oh on the way home I also heard Switchfoot's new song on 102.1~ it's exciting to hear Christian artists on secular radio stations,there are quite a few that they pla Switchfoot, Stacie Orrico, Mercy Me, Kirk Franklin, MaryMary, Michael W. Smith, P.O.D., and Im sure there is more. Well it's noon so I'm gonna go find somethign to do until time to get ready for work! lol. I'll write later.
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