Honkey Tonk Badonkadonk

Listening to: Lil Orphan Annie
Feeling: bloated
WAZZZZUUUUPPPPPP??????? Well, This week has been pretty good. I was off a couple of days. I went out to lunch with Stephanie W. at Mr. Gattis one day b/c I havnt seen her since before Christmas. Today is Saturday. Me, Stef, and Emilee went to the mall today. Stef & I got the cartlidge in our ears pierced. I got my left ear and she got her right ear. I had always heard it hurt really bad...I couldnt tell a difference at all. I am excited! THen we went to Bel Air to eat lunch and then hopped on over to Emilee's game. Emilee did good and they won! Go Bulldogs! Then we went to Walmart and Emilee spent some of her own money. She got a sled, Annie the movie, and some fake fingernails. Oh yeaaa big news! My stepmom Mary is back in town. She has been gone for almost a year now and since then has made her life go downhill...she just got out of jail and her current boyfriend is still in jail. ANyways, she is living & working in Knoxville again. I hope that her life is going to be a lil different now...b/c even though she didnt do right to my Dad after he died, I still care about her. Well....The L Word season 3 starts tomorrow and IM way excited about that. And also I may start keeping Jaelyn and get paid for it as well as still work a couple of nights a week at JCP...we will see. ANyways...I reckon thats all for now!!! Be back soon!
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