Birthdays Galore.

HEY! Today is Tara & Marci's 21st birthday!!! Yesterday was Emilee's 7th. SOO lets see what has been going on since last week...umm...well work has been burning me OUT and wearing me out..and then my paycheck is crap so I like work for pennies basically b/c they promised me more hours than I am getting now and stuff~oh well, better than nothing I suppose. THis weekend was very fun but very fast. Friday: Me & Stef got dressed up and went to The Comedy Zone out in West Knoxville to meet Stef's sister Traci and her best friend Lisa for Lisa's birthday as well as other people that they all 3 work with. Id say there was about 11 of us or something. It was my first time ever going to a comedy club...I CRACKED UP. My throat was sore from lauging so much when I left...3 guys got up there but the last one was the funny one..I cant remember his name..Stef said he played in Ace Ventura pet detective as one of the black cops...which is very ironic b/c we watched that on TV last weekend hahaha. We were there til about 10 and most everyone else headed to Cotton Eyed Joes after that but me & Stef went to Walmart instead! LOL. Saturday was a busy day- we celebrated Emilee's birthday even though Sunday was really her bday. STef & I went out and got the icecream and stuff and picked up Em from Todd's and then we got ready for Stef's parents and nephew James to come over for icecream & cake and presents. It was a good time. Me & Stef made Em wear the "birhday glasses" (the big clown glasses) that I bought for Stef's bday to blow out her candles. It was so cute...then we sprayed her with silly string after she blew them surprised the heck out of her...and then James & Steve gotinto a silly string was hilarious. She opened her presents...ate cake & icecream..then Stefs parents left and her, Emilee, James, and I went to Celebration Station! NONE of them had ever been there. THEY HAD A BLAST. We did the gokarts, bumperboats, rode the kiddies rides, played arcade games & ate pizza. When I was standing in line I felt a tap on the shoulder and turned around and it was Britney Maples (Sexton)! I havnt seen her since she was pregnant and before that it was at Melindas house which we ALL KNOW WAS A LONG TIME AGO. She had her 2 yr old daughter in her arms and James was with her too. It was SO great seeing her..she gave me a hug and we chitchatted for a split second and then that was it! Sunday we put together Em's slip N slide and me, her & Stef all did it in the HOT SUN. It was FUN but boy am I sore today! Then I watched some of the Gilmore Girls marathon, napped, and went to STephanie's to help her make Marci & Tara's KISS bday cake. lol. It was funny we ended up with icing all over our faces and shirts. Todd threw Emilee a bday party @ the skating rink that I was invited to but I didnt attend. But she had fun so tahts good. Stef & her parents and sister went. Tonight me & Stef are going to Hooters for Marci & Taras bday. That should be interseting...I've never been there. Paula is gonna be there and STephanie...and probably Madi, Evie, Racheal, some Lindsay chick and maybe a few more people. COOL. WEll..gotta go for now this is FOREVER LONG.
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