Listening to: "Strong Enough" By: Stacie Orrico
Feeling: nostalgic
Hey! It's Thursday. This week has flown by! That's always a good thing, well atleast in my opinion. Yesterday was such a busy day for me. I was basically gone from 7:15 am until almost 9:30 pm. I went home after work for about 30 minutes but thats all. Lorrie called me and wanted me to go eat at Mr. Gattis with her. So, I met her there about 5:30. She had Christopher with her...he is getting so big, but he is still rotten as EVER. So anyways, we ate pizza and talked and's been probably 2 months since Ive seen her...that girl keeps losing weight..shes going to be nothing soon...but she looks GREAT! The Astros/Braves game was on the bigscreen TV at Mr. Gattis...not that I ever watch baseball on TV, but it caught my eye just because ya know..Houston. Anyways, I left Gattis at 6 and left to go pick up Paula. It was weird because Marci had said she wanted to go church with me Wednesday and I assumed we would just go back to North Acres, but Marci bailed out on me kinda last minute so I was like "well I guess I'll go to dad's church Dante Church of God since Im going by myself". You know, so I could go somewhere familiar even though I dont really know anyone there except the preacher & the youth leader. Well, Paula called me to see if I wanted to go walking with her last night (she is trying to get that baby out of her haha) and so I told her "yea I will but Im goin to you can go with me if you want and then we can go?"...and she agreed. So I was happy. So I picked her up at 6:25 and we went over to Dante Church of God. It was a nice service. Bro. Snider didnt preach...some other guy did, but he was good. And 2 other things that were strange. The guy who preached, preached out of the book of James. The sermon was on James 1:12-17 I think. ANYWAYS, just the night before when Kristi called me to pray with me, she read those same verses to me on the phone. Too weird...out of all the verses and books and everything in the bible, he chose the same passage Kristi had just read to me. ALthough I think Kristi read verses 1- something whereas he started reading at 12..but still..too weird. The 2nd funny thing is...during his sermon he talked about being tempted and enticed...well he told us a story about him being enticed into leaving to go to "TEXAS" when he shouldnt have or something. I thought "what? God is this your sign to me telling me that I shouldnt move to Texas?"...I dont know! Im not clear on that. The only difference is the preacher said he was 13 years old and ran off to Texas with some older friends against his parents yea a little different scenario- but still I thought..too strange. I WANT to go to Texas..but definitely not against God's will! Urgh. Im so confused. Oh well, I shall keep praying and seeking. I know God will get through to me somehow. Anyways, church lasted an hour & a half. I was so glad to be in Gods house. After church I took Paula to chicfila to get her some food. I wasnt hungry so I didnt eat. Then by the time we got to NorthWest to walk it was totally dark b/c it was like 9:15 and so Paula decided she didnt want to walk anymore lol. I felt bad...but she seemed fine with it, and God had a purpose for her & I both to be in church together that night. I love Paula, she's such a good friend. Anyways, I got home around 9:30-9:45 and checked my email, washed some of Grannys clothes and was in bed at 10:30. It was a busy but good day. TOnight Juliana and I were going to go to the cornmaze...but the group we were going to go with isnt going anymore, soooo we're not either. We may do somethign else, but I dunno...I really have alot of things to do we will see. Well everyone have a great day!
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