Good Charlotte

hehe, I'm happy. NFG and GC are coming to the SB bowl:) I get to go, I'm going to go no matter what. I think it's only about $25. But that's okay. Tickets haven't gone on sale yet, damn. Just to clear things up I am not some obsessive teeny bopper who saw these bands on eMpTyV or TRL. I can't really stand people like that, it annoys me. Just like how I wore friggin ties before Cadavril did, but still people seem to find it amusing to call me a poser. Humm, it's gonna be kinde wierd since I need the $25 for the GC/NFG concert and then $35 for the warped tour, this is going to be interesting. Anyways, that's all for now, I'm just happy that I don't have to go all the way to LA to see them, like how we may be going to Lancaster or Anahiem for NHOI.
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oops sorry about the blank comment...good charlotte is awesome, and of course, avril is awful, and she claims to be a new sid vicious, yeah rite
woo hoo for the GC/NFG concert, i'm going too to the one in Hershey. I've seen NFG before, they rock in concert!! I'm also going to warped tour this summer!! woo, i can't wait and they're both months away!! lol. Welp, have fun whenever you go!! --*Alicia*
Wait, did Avril seriously call herself the new Sid Vicious? I don't think she even knows who that is. WTF?