
Feeling: worried
Grr. Friends should be something I don't have, I just can't handle all these people and their collective problems, or issues. John somehow got David to talk to me, somebody call the newspapers. The first thing he says to me is "I can't believe you told JP about what I said" which first of all I didn't, so, David, assuming things is something you probably shouldn't do. Fuck man. Then there's like this tiny, very icy conversation between us and he leaves. I won't mind if he doesn't talk to me much again, really, he was cool at first but to be going around thinking stuff (Jordan loves to say "There he goes thinking again" hehe) that just isn't fucking true is dumb, Jordan doesn't like him, she's got Manny, and he's got some girlfriend, or (s). I think those two just need to fucking lay off, my god, I don't like being caught in the middle of this, and thats kinda where me and John are. Cuz now I can't take Jordan with me to hang out with John or anything, and I don't wanna go alone. Grrr. DRAMA. I'm soo sick of it, I got my fill when I was friends with Michelle, and I'm so done with that shit. Good note: Tomorrow=New Distilers cd. I'm going to the mall after school. ..all for you and your game..all for you and your fucked up fame..
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