everybodies doin' it

Feeling: wretched
Yeah, since everybody I know is doing this, I'm just going to go along with that. I can bet you, everybody knows what they were doing the day or the time they learned about the WTC, Pentagon, and VG wrecks. Me...I had a wierd time with this one. All I remember was waking up, and I was in Jr. High so I went to school later then I do now, well I used to watch Cartoons. But that day I woke up and it was kinda like 'no somethings not right' though ironically nothing ever is. So I turned on the news, and all that was up was a picture of two towers burning. I had NO idea where that was, I had no idea what those towers were called, no idea what had happened. I just kinda thought 'god I hope they got everybody out of there' and 'why are they BOTH burning?' cuz what can I say? It was 7 in the morning. It took a couple minutes, then they started explaining what was going on. Then it was just kinda like 'oh shit'. I went to my nieghbors house, we watched it there to, we all sat in the living room, and watched the first tower fall....saw everybody running. And I guess back then...it didn't matter to me...well I don't mean it like that..I just could not grasp the concept of soo many people dying, it has never hit me really...maybe until now, because I know what death is, I know what it's like to lose the people I love, and now I can multiply that by thousands..and it breaks my fucking heart. But yeah. I went to school, all the teachers were broken up, all the kids were just kinda confused. I went home, and all they played on the news was the same clip...second plane hitting the second tower, first tower falling, second falling. Over and over, till I just didn't feel good, and I couldn't watch anymore. Then I heard about the pentagon, and the other plane, and it was worse. But I still didn't feel anything really. So that was my story, it sounds almost self centered. But now, I can almost grasp that amount, the loss, it took me 2 fucking years for that. It took a day to choose my side in this war business, and 2 years to understand what the excuse for that war really was...not right. But I stand my ground, what I believe is what I believe, and no amount of evidence is going to change that. No media is going to tell me what to believe, I'll choose for myself. I don't think I was appreciated much this morning, we were supposed to do the pledge of alliegance. I'm sorry, I know some people don't agree with me, but I will take a moment of silence, for the people that died, but to stand up and repeat a line made years ago that nobody follows...that's just not right, and I don't do it. Sorry people, I don't do that. I have to go, John's on. I'll talk about my day later. I have to make myself dinner. ..so get your tanks and load your guns and hold your sons in family huddle, because even if we win this tug-of-war and even the score humanity struggles, theres a need of blood for whats been uncovered under the rubble, some of them dug for answers in the mess, but the rest were looking for trouble..
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like the quote. its good.

im completly agreed what you sprinkled