
Feeling: rejected
Ok, feeling better. Things have gotten better. I think I was wrong, I don't think John was mad at me. My mistake, I guess I was just a little edgy about him being soo quiet at the concert. But listen to what he said, I laughed for like 10 minutes straight: Me: haha, I was the 'warm' one Me: cept I was freezing John: lol Me: it was wierd John: r u sure/.?? John: yeah Me: what do you mean am I sure? John: yeah John: cause you were all cuddled up with my babboon friend John: lol Me: haha Me: wow, you noticed...lol John: lol Me: well, my legs were cold LOL. I thought that was the funniest thing. He kept talking about Dannell though, I guess he didn't talk much cuz he was 'distracted' by her. Haha. But something else John said was that Dave doesn't have the balls to cheat on his girlfriend....I dunno I found that a wierd thing to say. I dunno. I figured out today that a while back I txt messaged John to tell him Jordan said hi, and when he replied I thought it said 'it's all good' but I read it today, it says 'it's not all good' haha. She told Mel we got in a fight, wtf, I told her to not talk shit about my friends.
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lol yes john mayer is lol
awe good luck with everything with him