rock & roll come and save me

Hmmm. SIT hasn't been up lately, I dunno why, maybe my computer just hates me really really bad. I wanna paint my room green right now, reallllly bad. I should start making a list of all the things I want for when I move. Beginning with my bed being a mattress on the floor. I had a dream a couple nights ago, it was kinda sad. It was that me and 2 other people moved into this house/apartment thing which was beautiful, it was just great 'cept it was kinda hard to get into and it was half-stilted. But the sad part was that one of the people wasn't supposed to be living with us, that person wasn't supposed to have that room, 'cos it was supposed to be Maggie's. Even now when I think about the dream it makes me sad, and I don't even understand why. Its kinda like the train-wreck dream, its completely inexplicable, yet I'm sure it means something, as I learned how creepily true the train crash dream was. Anyhoo. I'm gonna bleach and dye my hair neon blue. Yeah, that should be fun. I have bright blue liquid eyeshadow, it rocks. And tomorrow we're going to the Strawberry Festival. Yum. the Walmart sign keeps on glowing and the winds of change keep on blowing
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hmm.. my dad is the manager of wal-mart. so... thats cool, right?
yea man! I do get discounts... i get like 10% off of everyhting in the store and stuff.

haha later man.
hahah.. aww.. well, the next time you're in Gas City, Indiana.. stop by my house and we'll go to wal-mart and anything you buy.. I'll get you my discount. heh.

sound good?

-Co Jo
go walmart.