I love the way you laugh

Feeling: awkward
Isn't it akward...not awkward?? I have no idea, all these words are looking funny today. I'm reallly tired, but I still agreed to go to the mall with Ronnie. Although nethier one of us has any money. Whatever. We're really bored. But I'm really tired as well. I think I said that already. I think I'm going to pierce my nose again. Do it myself, not waste the $20. I will either pierce my nose a second time on the left, or pierce it on the right and wait a bit then pierce it again. 'Cos when I got my nose pierced I didn't really think about getting it done again, its in an akward place to do it a second time. Maybe I'll do it at the mall...wonder if my parents would even notice? I think I'm a little too inebriated to be doing that at the moment. Ronnie needs to hurry the hell up and get here, so does my dad, with my cough drops. I just spent wayy to much time talking about my nose.
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hey cool diary...howd you get the pic above yer name?
people think it's amusing to honk my nose.
I saw NFG in concert last year, awesome band.

Piercings are completely addictive. And I'm glad someone is itchy with me. That second nose piercing sounds hot :)
NFG are playing XFEST...pay a visit to Pittsburgh dear hehe. What are your other two favorite bands?