i don't think you like me, well I hate you as well

Listening to: Silverchair-Cemetary
Feeling: single
Ok, I'm making a thing to go on the back of my jacket, and I have some lyrics I wanna put on...but I can't decide one....anybody wanna put their 2 cents in? My mom is no fucking help whatsoever. "Stop burning bridges and drive off them" "I've seen sinking ships go down with more grace then you" "Fake it like you matter" "Living life like its going out of style" "I wish I was as invisible as you make me feel" I realize they are all from the same band. Must keep in mind: going on back of a jacket..
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Yeah.. and they're all hypocritical too, mine are at least. They tell me that I can't do anything out of the ordinary, yet they never listened when they were younger either?

So I follow their lead. Whee.
er, there's a song called "Serenity" by someone or other, it might be by Saliva but maybe i'm wrong.
check out those lyrics.
SoCo's lyrics rock my socks.