your no jesus

Feeling: forgotten
There is a self-destruct built into beauty. Roses that are pretty get cut first, made into bouquets, were they wilt, and they die. They end up in the trash. Ugly roses, they remain on the plant, or their leaves are dried. Preserved. They don't die soo quickly. People work the same way. Those pretty people, they fade off faster, we forget them easier. But the rest of us, we don't forget each other. We remembered to love each other for something other then our looks. The superficiality doesn't even break the surface of what we see in them. But the beautiful ones, they're gone in a flash, we'll forget them as soon as they leave the room. I may have been born to die....but she, she was born to die quicker.
Read 6 comments
beautifully put my dear.very niiice.

I'm flattered you think im balanced.I just think alot.Knowing what i wnat in life is number one priority to me.the faster the better.thanks toots

so beauty is in the eye of the beholder. you are what you eat. what you consume. you who see a deeper beauty, are a deeper beauty. those who see and value a prima facial beauty, are fading, just like their beauty. you survive not becaues you're not beautiful, but because you are jesus. and i mean that in an entirely non-religious way.
That was pretty. But maybe, it's not so black and white. I know I don't get all deep in my Diary, I might. I just don't feel confortable yet, but I am kinda focused on what others say. And maybe, maybe you look at thing's so black and white, that you'll never see the other colors come past. Maybe you miss the the people, more than you know. If you didn't, how would u know that they left?
I dunno, maybe Im not on the same wavelength...?
Guess I better get ready to be dried. You think they'll hang me somewhere nice? Or put me as poutpourri in a bathroom?
Have a great day. Your entries have been intriguing as of late. (lol, intriguing)
u are tottally right. Beaty is only skin deep and will fade away faster than anything