and it's not what it seems

Feeling: longing
I'm missing B like crazy right now, I dunno, I watched this program where they were talking about the Army's 'dont ask dont tell policy' (in my eyes a big step for gays, but still not completely right) and about this guy who was beaten to death with a bat on an army base cuz the people 'thought' he might be gay. This is like a complete turnaround from what B did, and on a lot younger level. I don't know where all those kids got it into their heads to call him a faggot, but it's their fucking fault he hung himself, and I think it's one of the original reasons I can never forgive this town. This place is full of such fucking hateful people, it's insane. I should have never walked out that stupid white gate when I was little, I should have stayed here in my room....cuz out there its hell. if you don't like being hurt. then please don't stay. if you don't like being hurt. then get away SoCo
Read 5 comments
whoa that's intense..people are really fucked when it comes to gay people i love them to death but some people on the other hand are total assholes and could care less..
it sucks a lot to know someone that commited suicide i knew someone i wasn't really close to him i just went to school with him but it still had a pretty big effect on me.hope you feel better dear just think of it in a good way he's in a better place now

yeh, my mom doesn't understand me and the music i listen to cos she says its all depressing and that i wonder why i am depressed all the time and blah blah blah. well anyway, thanks for being so cool and have an outstanding new years.
hehe. i love it too, thanks for that and thanks for wishing me a happy new year!
i am really sorry to hear about your friend. people should learn how to accept others for who they are, no matter of sexuality race or religion. people are so prejudice, but they should learn that nobody is perfect and there is nothing wrong with being different.
are you serious? i am so sorry. that is so horrible. people are so fucked up. you don't even know how frustrated i am about that i wish i could go back in time and fix everything for him. this makes me so sad