taught me how to stand

Feeling: alright
Mhmm, as informed by David, I'm a girl. Yeah, don't ask, its a thing Today I decided not to go to school, 'cos I got 3 hours of sleep last night, and it wasn't my fault! But apparently mom didn't know I stayed home, nor did dad. So I scared the crap out of my mom at 1pm when I came into the kitchen to eat. Haha, funny stuff. I ate pancakes at 2pm, because I could. I made them myself to, and only screwed up 1. Booya. I made too many though, I couldn't eat them all, but thats allright. Mumma went to work at the Psych Hospital, she won't be home until after midnight for sure. I sorta wanna go out to eat tonight, but I'm still full from the Pancakes. I should have cleaned my room, I should have done my homework, but I didn't. No instead I slept. *yawn* and I think I could for another 6 hours of sleep. Maybe then I'll do my homework, haha.
Read 2 comments
we, the teenagers of the u s of a, are one...
take care, dog, too many pancakes make you sick, though.
It's been a while since I commented. Wow. I like your layout you have here. It's very pretty.

And I'm glad you had a good day. I wish I could stay home and make pancakes. I'm not that talented. heh.