The Ache of Van Gough

I'm aching so bad right now...damn KFC and my *bleep bleep is coming soon and my legs feel so numb. My organs are being torn apart and plopping through my birth canal. ight im done now...thanks for reading Summer School is death chopped up beside you for you to smell. Without music, I would dump myself in one of their vending machines. The 200 year old school makes me watch were I sit. And the really BLONDE (mentally) girls make me stash ear plugs for all the guys, in my purse. On the bright side, I have aced everything and I hope to never see that freezing classroom again. They seriously want us to be icicles by the time the 5 hours of hard labor is up. Well I'm really sick and I only got 2 hours of sleep so looks like I'm going back to bed now. Andrea was pronounced dead at 12:59
lata 8:54 pm
im really miserable right now and I don't have the strength to write about all the reasons why and this KFC is not helping me any.
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i like the picture of the train trakes and your setup its creative
