Sold My Soul For A Cheap Fuck

Listening to: NIN- i wish
Feeling: punk
i wish i may i wish i might maybe I'll get dumped tonight. 25 minutes to lose my virginity 25 minutes to forge 25 minutes to burn the last track 25 minutes will be too late im sorry im such a whore. im a pretty pink bow with soft silky hearts embroided around the edges, until... you fuck with my emotions. i forgive, but it takes awhile to get off my shit list. It takes even longer, for me to trust. When burnt toast pops out of the toaster. It says "SURPRISE MOTHER FUCKER!!!!!!! EAT MY BLACK FILTHY COAL PUBIC MOLDS" It makes me blush all over, and before you know it, I'm being buttered up and handcuffed. Being destroyed, is so much better than the seduction session. I'm sorry for screaming and losing my mind and being paranoid and not trusting him and not being enough. I'm sorry for saying fuck. it. Jerry made me dead. I wanted to run up to him and hug him. And he would've thought I was crazy when I didn't let go. And maybe I would burn my soul on fire when he asked me "who the hell are you?"
Read 5 comments
if you were buttered up and later handcuffed, i theorize that YOU'D SLIP OUT OF THE CUFFS AND RIGHT
poor jerryboy. poor boy! lets hire ourselves out to protect and molest his ass from offending neighbors. oui?
i liked this entry, btw. its as good as tacobell.
wow drea! you look kinda scary and kind of "come-hither"
lets do the HORIZONTAL in a tub full of jelly and crumpets.
i want to do the same to jerry...and david too...i feel terrible
I like to sqeeze the fruit befor i pay for it at the grocery store.
hey! read my entry lol!