Bondage To Glory A Hangover

Feeling: fabulous
tomorrows bright and early schedule: x watch satan and the one horned bull x mop the trailer park x shop to end the nicotine of my archetype yesteryears schedule: x music store: guitar strap x grilled cheese party! w/ gassie massie and john and leela yesterdays schdeule: x finals lets see. I have been gone for about a week. Nothing too exciting that anyone really cares about has happened, but I've had fun, what can I say Ryan gave me his cell phone to call Cousins Subs (prank call for SHS) and of course I can never hold my laughter in for 5 minutes to get my words straight. So I called asking for 5 parties instead of 5 subs. "What did you do this weekend?" "I got fucked up" your cool now. I don't get why people brag about doing drugs. Michael Jackson is a sick sick man....I cannot believe he is having more kids to be damned in his bed and die in his NeverLand.
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Andrea you kick ass.
really cool pics,take care girl