Saved From Ebony Lies

well today was pretty sick. meagan didn't come to school i didn't see chris i didn't finish my chem hwk :( errr i have a fever for trying to pull all nighters. chris is drilling me with questions. I'm afraid if I say the wrong things, he'll think differently of me, but i always tell him the truth. chris:what shold we do? sry you are going to have to bare with me ^^; I am vary new to trying to be your bf chris: I think kissing comes later right? its kinda cute.... to me atleast im sorta in denial about it all still. Like he's never seemed this in to me before. im scared. my mom stopped smoking. when did i wake up and everything was okay again? won't last never does.
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i'll give him chance:[ try and engage him in conversation, then if he gropes you or breaks your heart- his cock is gonna be put in a blender and he'll have to drink his own damaged and ravaged wee-wee. k?
my bladder ALWAYS feels full.. i think we're both pregnant?!
"Nothing Gold can stay" Robert Frost.

If its perfect now, take adavantage of it. make the most of ur new found non-smoking glory and ur new cute bf :P