Over coming the obstacles.
It sounds easier than it really is. Have you tried such thing? Going against all odds, against all the people involved (which can sometimes be everyone in your life), against everything you ever did. Hm, change is that way. People don't change, but they might change what they were or how they act towards people, but they never really do entirely change. Why? because that doesn't make us who we are, although that does sound odd. I can sit here and I can tell you that I have changed, and essentially I have. I've changed my appearance, my way of thought, maybe even my friends, but I still see the little girl I was 4 years ago. Which actually does amaze me. Because 4 years ago I was a slught, and I dressed in all black. Now I can't get a decent boyfriend and my wardrobe is all funky colours, but I still see the girl that wants to please people in every which way.
btw, how've you been doing? haven't really talked or anything for quite some time, have we?