Dear Gary Fan 249

You don't deserve our grandfather's tears.

You don't deserve our pity.

You don't deserve anything we've given you.

You never earned shit.

You took and took, never gave anything back. You lied and lied. And you manipulated the shit out of us. People who cared about you, people who would blindly fight a battle with you. Not anymore. You've lost the most precious thing, dear brother. You've lost your family. No, you didn't lose us. You didn't want us. You've made us feel guilty for the shit you've done. You've made us put the fault in ourselves for your wrong doing. You've made us look like idiots. You've lost... everything. My trust, my respect. I can't even look at you. Not after what I've seen today. You broke me. And I promised myself I wouldn't let you. I'm broken. Happy? And I still need to pick up your load. I've got my own, but I still need to pick up yours. Wanna know what mother asked me today? She asked me as a favour, she pleaded... that I wouldn't mess up. Now I have to watch my every step, my every thought. I'm not capable of this. But I can't tell her no. So I'll fall and you'll stand over me. Smirking. Not caring. You'll see me wither away. Die a little inside. And you won't do anything. Do I matter? Of course not. And people ask me why I don't care about myself. Because my own brother doesn't give a shit. My own flesh and blood doesn't care the hell he's put his family through. Not even his sister. The one person that was always at your feet. Admiring, and hoping that maybe one day she'd be only a fraction like you. Not anymore, brother. You've lost everything ounce of respect on my part. I hope you're happy.

Mom's asked me to forgive her. On your part. Oh how low you've made them go. Are you happy now? Tell me, are you happy you've hurt them so badly that now everyone is counting on me? Me.. the second choice. Never was I the first, or the favourite. You were. Now I'm the back up. The brittle back up. Damnit, I hope you can't sleep at night knowing what you've done to them. I don't give two shits about me. But them? Let their faces haunt you. Let them.

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