Dear Kitty 159

Too many thoughts It's amazing how the most logical and astonishing thoughts come to me when I'm supposed to be sleeping. There's no way that theres any hope for sleep tonight. Have you ever bothered to watch people? Sure, sometimes I don't like their company, but they are intricate beings. Some of the things others do just makes me laugh. For example, how people go back to each other although they know they are going to be broken apart for a reason or another, but they always end up some what together. Whether by friend ship or relationship, it matters not. Reminds me of the Government of Greece, gee wouldn't Paddenburg be glad I actually listened for once, they made the same mistake and they never corrected it. So what comes out of it? The fact that you both know that you both will always be there? What if one time it doesn't happen that way? Will you guys attempt to come back to the same place you've always been? more than likely yes... but will it work? I doubt it. Things always change, factors always cause problems. But do people change as well, some say they do.. some say they don't. But does it matter? If they do or don't then what does it matter? Will it change your mind? I doubt it. Hah, funny thing is... damn, I see it happening every where. And tell me about animal instincts, Geez, girls as much as guys suffer from this. All they want is pleasure. They seek excitement and they seek pleasure. Ack, maybe I'm just ranting because I've been thinking too much about people in general, but would you like to know what I want to do right now? I want to sit in a room full of people and just sit... and just watch. I don't want interaction though, gah what pain that would cause me. But there's plenty of things I can come up with. Gee, it seems as if I really don't like people... what would people say at school? They wouldn't believe me. Funny, funny, funny.
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