
Feeling: blah
Yeah so today not too bad... started out really well, and then got worse as the day passed. Good thing stairway to heaven is on AOL radio bc i love this song... makes my day better.... You know what i hate? when certain people always ask about you and then you say oh im not that great... but dont wanna talk about it. So of course that person pesters you until you tell them and hte minute you start talking, they go OH and GUESS WHAT HAPPENED TO ME??? im like hello, i dont care. oh and i hate when i know theres a specific person that i should have a certain type of bond with, and instead of it being with them, im like that with someone else. yeah and then theres the person who used to always pester me and make me go insane, just to enjoy themselves. But i never minded at all because i knew that if i ever needed anything i could turn around and theyd be there, but now when i really need them, her i go turning around and NOWHERE to be seen... it sucks a lot... not that anyone should read into all this and worry about who im talking about in any of those situations, because i know many a friendship screwed up because of these stupid online diaries. So today not good... it started ok... i had a good morning after a long time.. AND (for any of you who read the comics in the morning- the zits comic) they are talking about locker sharing so i cut them out and put them in my locker (which i happen to share with parker so it was kinda funny to read, but then again he doesnt use it much anyway) and fo rsome reason i was so proud of myself for putting them in there.... yeah i know im a nerd. Anyway that was like the highlight of my day... now THAT is sad! certain people in a specific group of friends are also beginning to bother me... and i dont even know why... its just annoying. Anyway tomorrow promises to be wayy more interesting (cant go straight to good) but we'll have to wait and see...
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hey hey nish!!! lol im sry if im one of those people that are... annoying lets say. lol anyhow u know that im here for ya.. bc we are often in the same boat.. anyhow.. gotta go do hw.. luv ya
dude... that song... stairway to heaven.. its soo awesome! stairway and tribute(by tenacious d) was our marching band show this year.. it was soo much fun and like now im addicted to those songs.. hehe..

i don't appreciate you supporting diego's decision without any knowledge of the situation. You ought to get both sides before you support him so fully
hey nisha! its lindsey r, just saying hi...hope u had a good day..ttyl!
PS- i added u to my friend's list :)
hi nisha! shelbs
how in the crap is it possible for all girls to have a blog thing w/out any PERIODS but insist on using ... or something!? oh btw, this limit is stupi
oh btw the two below those were mine, eric pei's
and uh one more thing STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN ROCKS it builds up all nice