Listening to: eric's voice on the phone
weird title that doesnt make sense....thats because i said hey eric what should my title be and thats what he told me.
Ive been in a weird mood for the past couple of days. aditi and i have been getting along well lately.
and although there are a few things bugging me, im pretty much happy (wow its been awhile?) so go me.
i got some fresh air today with was mucho fun! we should do that more, but next time you do more talking instead of letting me sit there and ramble.
we find out who goes to unitown this week... and if i dont make it i'm not gonna be that broken up about it. so cool.
on a random note: the sub in ToK/Eng today was sooo weird. and he called me abusive, but w/e. we watched a movie and he was all weird and commenting on it. anyway he was still cool bc we didnt do anything.
in about 2 hours i have my interview for University of Chicago... so ill update after that and it will be fun.
Nish <
its good to be happy
i just have this weird feeling in the gut... dunno why
love you
i was singing a song. it's by beck. did u catch that? it just kinda fit my mood.
luvvvv you...