Listening to: mix of old hindi songs on MIO
Feeling: uneasy
i have a lot of things going on and a lot of things to say. so here goes. last night was a really bad night for me. my dad got mad for no reason and i left the room and then i heard my parents fighting...the point of my departure was to prevent a fight but whatever...and then i poked my head down and and he said some pretty bad things that really made me upset. so i cried a lot in my room...and this morning he woke up and he hasnt said a word about it, but hes been in a really weird mood all day, and although he says he doesnt know what im talking about, i KNOW it had something to do with last night. it's happened like this chicago.
and last night i really wanted to talk to someone, but for some reason i didnt know who i could talk to. anyway im really not happy here at home because yesterday was REALLY bad, and i know it was my fault so im really upset about it...
but today i went to sbucks and b&n with shelbs...and the highlight of my day... I DROVE THE XTERRA!!! it was so fun... i had some problems at first, but i was good by the end (kinda!)...right shelbs?
and then zaq's bday was moved to nypd instead of oregano's! and after that, lindsey, em, mike, me, and james all went to christina's and lindsey and i had a rather interesting conversation! ive been thinking a lot about college, and wow its here fast. i have applications, financial aid...too much to worry about! and my transcript is NOT pretty... so i have to really work. i have a new thing im doing next year, im sure most of you will see it when school rolls around. and diego is around for my moments of weakness! anyway ill deal with that when its time. tomorrow im sooo excited i get to go see nadia bc shes in town!!!!!!!!! anyway i guess ill be going now, i have to read some of sophie's world still. well i have a lot to read, but a lil left for tonight. i really hope my aunts from india and dubai come... either one will come...but theres a lil possibility that both may and that would be SOOOOO cool, like no one even understands the excitement! anyway im off to read... and tomorrow morning's registration.
luv ya much
luv u!
--lindsey t.
anyways can't wait to see u! iloveu!
bye! lindsey
anyway first day of school come to the good egg with some of us after school! it wont be the same without u! love luv u
Linz R