I am strong. I am. Or so I hope. I have not felt as worthless in my entire life as I have over the past week-ish. Well ok there may have been one time in my life that was worse. But just barely.
And the thought that resonates through my mind each day is that I am a strong, powerful woman who is making an effort, and it shouldn't matter who supports me. I'm working on it though, especially the last part. I know I have a problem. And I know that I'm trying to fix it, but without the foundation of support I need, I can't do it.
And I just think about the power of strong women elsewhere, and it's those little thoughts that are getting me through my days. And a little bit of love. I could use more of the latter.
I have to feel like I'm needed, at least by someone. That there is at least someone who needs me to be there. And it's times like right now, when I feel that without me, the world would be just fine. peachy. and that bothers me...the thought that I'm not needed, let alone wanted. And sometimes, I need to hear it too.
Maybe it's all just me being stupid and petty, but that's me all the same.
Where is the love?
The paper I'm writing right now is about strong women in literature. You should write a book about yourself and then I can include you in my paper:)...lol. Wow, I'll actually comment later when I get my brain back. As you've seen before (refer to LONG conversation ;) ) I can't think straight at odd hours of the morning.
~Sarah :D
(P.S. I can see the sun rising right now...how cool is that? lol)
but hey, i am here if you need someone, because its subjective to me, to everyone else. and hey, ill be there to support you no matter how not strong u are.
take that !