incorrigible (sp?)

I came out the other side with out a bang but a whisper. and a plane trip away to fall in love. and to come home realising what im truly in love with.

justa modern day sample, and example of a fruit tree bundle, a muddle of words, a cluttered mind.

when i look at you. when i look at you. when i look at you. when i look at you.

you tear me down darling, but i pick you up.

when i look at you.

i sprained my thumb, its not better, it hurts. i want to drum but its sore. i massage and i think positive. next week please!

its hard to put my heart into something that could be good when i know what ill be missing out on if i do it. but im locked in. i have to go. i dont have to go. i want to go. i need it. im sick of something and i might find it.

when i look at you.

i love the tour. but i love sleep more.

bed time. bedtime.

im going to start a dream journal. which ill put up here maybe too. i just need a journal first. i think ill go to a second hand book shop somewhere. somewhere in town? tomorrow :)

we can fight our desires. when i look at you.

i hit an A. i can do it better. i can get higher too, maybe!

i want to blaze again. im ready. shit chair. shicher. shit yeah.

save your self. i'm not coming back this time. saviour self. i'm not coming back for you.

im hoping you'll understand, and let go of my hand.

i want to hold your hand. its all i want. its all i want. when i look at you.



spirituality. sexuality.gender. age. percieved self-typecast.

naturalism. something but not heterosexual. male. 22 and counting. observer/liar/goer/meany.

i think i cry too much.

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