
Today Fi asked me to go to the Homework Club to keep her company... so maybe i am a friend after all. Maybe. Different to her other friends though. We have weird...discussions... about things... way to be specific simon... seriously its weird... i cant think of another word apart from that... yeah. I wish i could be more comfortable around her, but she so in my face, and its ok cos when i ask for a bit of space she backs off. Its not like she's always in my face, but i wish she could remember maybe that im not so comfortable with her in my face all the time... or whatever. Sometimes running away is a very lucrative option for me. Thus far i haven't though... im sorta proud of that... i mean i've shifted several feet in the opposite direction, but i havent turned my back and fled. Which i absolutely positively want to do. something makes me stay, maybe i dont want to make her feel akward. maybe i want to do lots of things with her. Maybe i want to leave school as fast as i can so i dont have to think about her again. Maybe i should just get on with living, and not thinking about a person who has silly girl syndrome... Hush! Hush little baby dont say a word, and never mind that noise you heard.
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did you used to date this girl or what?
