Listening to: Goo Goo Dolls - Name
Feeling: jazzed
"i want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less. ask me anything you want and i will answer it. then, i want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything" stolen from Nicole's Diary. Just in case you'd like.
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1. Ever looked out the window and thought, "Moo?"
2. Do you like cheese?
3. Wanna go get lit and get tatoos in discreet places that nobody has to know about but us?
Well, IF (big if) I have children, I'd only want like two
when I grow up I want to be skinny! lol
When waking up is simply painful, I just try to be happy anyway...I don't really know how to answer that one other than that!
-what is your favorite thing to do in this world?
-do you love me??
-what do you think would be the hardest thing for you to ever give up?

teresa's hott!
You're diary definetly rocks harcore. ttyl
1-do u think i look hot making out? (answer is yes)
2-do u think i am sexy? (answer again is yes)
3-have u made SAM and his boner comic yet?
Teresa i love you we are Good Friends or so i thought we are right??
we just cant see each other becuase i go to stupid North Trash or i mean Cache....

My Quest... TO be the best i can BE!!!
Color... Blue and Silver
Comfort... i dont care what i look like...

Now for my questions Mua haha

Do you have a BF?
Have you ever kissed a guy?
Are we Friends?