Listening to: Our Lady Peace
Feeling: sane
Friday, 9:20 a.m.   What I want Sometimes I see my hair and it's green. And it's strange because I didn't think my hair was green, I'd call it more of a blondish brownish reddish mass on the top of my head. But at least it's not green, I say, until I look and see that in this bluish tinted light from the white sun behind the bluish tinted clouds and it turns the yellow in my hair green and then I have green hair. But that's not what I want. What I want is some sleep. I feel so bad because my sister woke me up and I was really such a heartless brat to her and called her a bitch under my breath and got terribly upset at her for picking up my things and trying to use them without me asking.. Mostly I think I'm weird when people come into my room in the morning because I sleep mostly naked and I always have the covers over me but I have a fear of someone ripping the covers off saying "RISE AND SHINE, DEAREST" or something and them getting a shock of skin and me getting a shock of cold. Getting up is a more gradual thing. But anyway. I have so much stuff to do today. And I just want to either sit on my butt on this computer and write about how much stuff I have to do today or go to Scott's house and do stuff with just him today because you know, one-track mind and all that. But I get to have a barbecue and I -get- to see my lovely favorite teacher from 5th grade one last time before she goes away into retirement from teaching after 5 years and I really did want my sister to have her because Dorothy was the best and I loved her so much. And I think I would cry if I went. And then I get to go help Rebecca move stuff around her classroom to make it for the summer and things. Goodness and then I get to go shopping for things for my barbecue thingy tonight... and babysitting for two hours for my neighbor who is a wonderful woman but her son is kind of a brat. More cleaning after that...dear. and I would look fat because of my stupid danged face. I swear the swelling refuses to go down. Maybe I'm just overreacting but I want my face back. oh well. It's a trivial matter in the great scheme of things. I better go. Before I cry over something stupid. I think maybe my period is coming early this month for kicks and giggles, that would explain this stupid moodiness and also the recent sudden bouts of unexplained horniness. Oh my goodness.
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It is gunna be a sad day when you go... oh yeah... am I invited to the barbeque thing... niki said something but i dont really remember what... anyways... your uncool swimmer friend


I hate that all of my friends are into that stuff.

But oh well.

