Singing a Runaway

Feeling: tickled
7:50 Friday Evening According to the commercials, every papertowel is the most absorbant and proven to be the best at cleaning up messes. Tell me how more than one can be the best? I never strived to be the best. I never strived to be the girl who invaded your dreams. I never strived to be the one. I only tried to be myself as much as I could. There's no way I can fake being someone else. Especially when I have no idea who you want that someone else to be.
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Isn't it some crap! The New and improved: the new cannot be improved for the very fact that it is new, and if it is improved it has been around and therefor is not new. The things the media tries to shove down are throats *sigh* I got to go buy the *softest most absorbant aloe infused* tissues
hmm..that is kinda wierd.