Listening to: Guttermouth
Feeling: jinxed
Monday, 10:06 p.m.   Feelin' Jiggy Not really, though. I mean, I guess I could get up and do a little dance, but I'm pretty lazy. I think I'll do with just "dancing" in my chair, doot do do! *hand motion* But then, I can't type... as my hands are in the air... Like this morning when Mandy was on the compooter and I was dancing to Skook, hehe. Yay for Skook! And then I danced around downstairs and I think I scared me mum. I always pretend like I am a ballerina in the kitchen and I do stretches and pretend I can dance and be flexible and twirl around. So today was rather uneventful. Mandy left in the morning, early-ish. I mowed the lawn around 9 a.m. and folded laundry and took Katherine to lunch at Formosa. We had veggi moo shoo and it was sooo good. MmMMMMMmMM. Moo shoo. Our waitress was so cute though! I hate asian girls, they're so pretty. I'm just your every day blond, blue-eyed caucasian woman who looks like everyone else. Once we had an assembly at school. It was boys vs. girls, and all the boys were on one half of the bleachers and all the girls were on the other half, and when all the girls are grouped together, you can see that they all look the same. All light brown with blonde and red highlights. Same colors of skin, similar make up...It's like attack of the high school clones. I called Emily today and asked if we were gonna do that Indiana Jones movie marathon, and then I was gonna call everyone and tell them but my daddy told me I had to go over to our neighbor's house and watch a slide show of New Zealand. Everyone here goes on sabbatical to New Zealand! Looking at the slides though, you don't blame them. It really is beautiful down there. Plus Mrs. Oaks baked some REALLY good brownies. Aaahh...*drool* It woulda been nice to see scott though. That's like stating the obvious, but what can I say? I love my skinny white boy little geek. Katherine gave me an excuse to get out of the house which was really nice, talking about stuff and deciding that Scott C. is a jackass sometimes. *shrug* Just things like that. I love you Katherine! You're awesome! I took a nice nap today. It was...nice. And I talked to Kajsa! had a discussion that wasn't centered on boys. Not that I mind when we talk about boys because it can be an incredibly interesting subject, but just saying that intellectual topics like english and how much we hate our high school student peers is fun as well. We need to do lunch and get a cosmo. Heh. And talk about how incompetent the rest of the population is in comparison to us. Oh I miss her. I miss Sara too. Sproing! When I told her about Levi's hard-on that he got on our day date for Home coming that one time at lunch because it was eating away at me and I had to tell someone... it was totally a blush experience for me, and I was such a naive girl and I still am but less so now than before I think. DAh! It must have been Levi's dick that gave me medorthophobia! He -is- a dick. I hate him. Ahem. but back to Sara, I love her more than skittles and she is my opposite, my yin and I'm her yang and we're opposite but the same. I miss Chelsea, too. I miss Drivers Ed, "WHY!?" and swim season and hanging out with Chelsea and Nicole and Emily and Ber! This swim season was so much better than the last one. And remember the cherry juice and whipped cream and our perverted little minds; corrupting Halling, that poor band geek freshman and I miss them all. I finally have my friend Craig back as a friend with no more very awkward moments, in fact, I called him today. It made me remember our hours long phone calls about everything and nothing and they made me feel better about myself and life in general. I'm glad I have my friend Craig back because I missed him so much. It's funny. We had simultaneous crushes on each other and we were too lame to do anything about them. We both suspected the other's feelings but never did anything about it. And I thought he liked Aubrey remember?! And I tried to get over him and met Scott and then found out Craig liked me. But it was too late by then, and I have no regrets now. So everything has worked out for the better. I've learned from my experiences this year. That long distance relationships, even if it's only a 45 minute drive, don't work out. I've learned that when I'm uncomfortable with how someone's treating me, just make them stop. They usually will, and if not, there's always the option of kicking them in the balls. I think I've only ever kicked one person in the testicles and it was an accident. And I felt so guilty. I would use it as my last resort. I'm really not that violent of a person. I've learned that there are people whom you can trust with your life, and there are people who simply can't keep secrets and you have to know who's who. I hope I'm a person you can come to if you need to talk about something, and I'll try to be supportive and I'll keep your secret unless I'm worried about you killing yourself like that one time with Taylor. I've learned that I can listen, unlikely as it seems. And that some complaining is okay sometimes but excessive complaining is just annoying. Hyppocrites are bad. Poser is a stupid word, for the most part. Judging people is natural, but it should be mostly avoided. I don't remember half of what I learned in school, but I'm sure I'll be grateful for it later, like when I was very very young and my daddy would answer my questions with honest, scientific answers and I used to hate it but I guess that "you'll thank me later" thing applies and it's really helped me out in blodge and math. Ahhhh. It's been a good year, everyone. Thanks for helping make it that way. --------- edit I don't know, I wanted to write this. I was rereading this entry after I posted it and just reading the first line caught a bubbly feeling in my middle and I laughed out loud for really no reason at all. It felt like laughing and crying at the same time and it was comfortable but also uncomfortable... Just weird. like everything I feel. --------- second edit I forgot today was monday.
Read 7 comments
thank oo for the notes :D
teresa, you know i love you? ever thought your entries were TOO long? i love how you can write things so seriously and beautiful, but they are way too frickin' long! they get and boring after awhile and i tend to forget what you've written about when i'm done....just thought i would tell ya.....teresa's hott!
hi teresa! I love you! you're funny!
aaaaawwww!! I Love You Too Babe! I hope you have a good day!!

Craig is laughing at me because this stupid keyboard's spacebar "Makes me look like I humpming?" I dunno how thats possible... but Craig said it.... Stupid spacebar that gets stuck..

I Love You!! :}
Yeah, I didnt' put this before because I wasn't sure if it was good or not, but I wrote it...go me!
Yes...I Completely Understand That Sex Is A Very, VERY Intamate Thing... And It Should NEVER Be Taken Lightly. And... i haven't, I've Thought It Through, And I've Decided That This IS What I Want To Do....

Yes... Ofcourse We're Using Protection...

We Have Even Discussed The Prossile Consequences Of Our Actions (i.e. Pregnancy.) And He Say That Even If I Do Get Pregnant, he Will Be There To Support And Love Me.

I Realize That I'm
A Ripe Age of 13. And I Know That To Most, 13 Is WAY Too Young To Even Be Considering Doing Such Things.

But, I Garuntee You That Jake And I Have An Extremely Mature Relationship, Being The Age That We Are.

We Both Want To Do This Because We Deeply, And Truly Do Love Eachother. And He Has Looked me IN The Eyes And Told Me That He's Not One Of Those Guys That Will Just Leave After It's Over.
Thanks For The Adivce.