Listening to: Taking Back Sunday
Thursday, 5:43 p.m.   Bound with Silk scarves, Gagged with Loneliness I miss you. I get most of next week off due to exams I won't be taking. Tomorrow I take a maths exam at 1, Monday I go to Art for an "exam" that is really double Arts class. At lunch today, The boys played a game called "Scrag." You have your group of players, and you have a bottle, and you have a playing area. The rules are, don't go outside your playing area, and fight nicely (aka go after the right guy if at all possible). The object of the game is to have the bottle. If you have the bottle, then try not to let go of it, if you do not have the bottle, tackle the bottle-holder and try to get the bottle. Even if there are ten people on top of the bottle holder, you must be the one to get the bottle! Get it! It was a cool game to watch. I wanted to join in but my skirt is dry clean only. I could have taken it off, I guess, I was wearing pants underneath. I could have taken off my coat and shirt too, I had a shirt under my school reg. shirt. I could have, but I didn't. I also keep meaning to videotape these random acts of violence, but this time my camera was too far away. Oh well. I miss you, I miss you, I miss you. Also, it's weird being in the having-a-petty-insecure-school-girl-crush stage of my lovelife. It's been about a year since I was last in this state.   weird. Well, I miss you. Goodnight. I miss you. 8:36 p.m. I miss you. How many days has it been since I last saw you? How many days has it been since I last felt your loving embrace? How many days since I held your hand for the last time? How many days since My lips last touched yours? How many days has it been since I last told you I loved you to your face? How many days has it been since I cuddled with you on the love seat? How many days has it been since your mom last got mad at us? How many days has it been since we stayed up all night talking? Do you remember that time you called me at midnight, and we talked on the phone for four hours? And the time when I was in Missouri visiting family and you and I talked on the Net until 5 a.m. my time and 4 a.m. your time? And all the nights we told each other to have sweet dreams? (})(k). I miss you baby. It's hard to sleep without that. It gives me something to hold onto, that "sweet dreams, my love ({)(k)" I miss you. I love you. Well this is certainly a change from the shrieking laughter earlier! 10:30 p.m. I bet you're sleeping. I'm smiling at that thought. You're so beautiful. No one is quite so beautiful as you.
Read 8 comments
just asking but who is the man thats you miss and are in love with?
my girlfriend has mormon parents. but like i said w/e, my feelings for her will never change. Why do you miss him so much, i guess i had a hard time following your posts hehe
Cause you are a beautiful women, so just kinda baffles me
No not that your beautiful, the way you said that you missed me made me wonder if he left you, and from what i get your a smart women so i was just like what? you know.

sorry you left him behind, why did you go to new zealand, forced or job oopportunity? probably none of my business. I also know what it is like leaving a loved on behind. If he loves you he will come for you, love is a powerful emotion i know that for a fact.
well, i am glad that you two are happy, love is something that should never be taken lightly, i learned that and still love my girlfriend with every heartbeat in my chest. I just hope that the move didn't put a huge crimp in your plans togther.

Your welcome for the compliment beauty is hard to come by, true beatuy that is, only a few women in this world that i know personally possess this, and my dear after seeing you, scott is on lucky man.
hey cutey you can add my to your friends list, ehh a charmer, lol i just call it how i see it.

i just like to think i am among the dying breed of men that once had sawy in everything, "Gentlemen".
Lol, burn lol Thats funny, I dunno it's society that has caused these problems in how people view society, anyone with a good idea is hidden away while beach blonde bimbos get the wealthy millions instead of the women with brains.

Sometimes i wonder to myself if it's all worth it, go to college for 8 years and put myself in debt for maybe a 6 figure a year job, i dunno.

i dunno about being lucky either though, Its just in my realtionship we both love each other very much. It's just other people opinions that cause problems. I believe whole heartedly that this world would be better if other people kept out of others intimate personal lives unless that person divulges information to them..you know