Listening to: Dashboard Confessional
Sunday, 12:47 p.m.
 Happy Independence Day you silly Americans..
I am a silly American. I'll light a bunch of fireworks and revert to a 5 year old mentality and dance as they go BOOM!!!!1ONE!! Whee!
I am not a pyro...
I much prefer ice...mmmm.
or marshmallows. my tongue is a good marshmallow eh.
So is it treason if I completely forgot it was independence day and when I went to church and saw all the flags I wondered why so many flags were up? And then I looked at my watch and not only was I late, i saw the date! (rhymey goodness. or something.) 7 4.
I'm so bad at this remembering of important dates thing.
Dates I remember: March 2, April 7, Feb 14, Oct 31.
oh right and sometimes Dec 25.
I'm a big sucker for Christmas.
I'm going to miss a white Christmas, since it's summer in New Zealand at that time of the year.
Speaking of that country, I AM PACKED AND READY TO LEAVE. when's the plane coming? Not for another 6 days? dammit!
Take me away, I'm ready to go. There's no point in being here if I can't see anyone.
namely scott cough.
But on the bright side...
I GET TO SEE MANDY TODAYYYYy she's back from Germany and I AM SO EXCITED. I have missed my Manny. Manny Manny Manny!
I didn't go to the farmers market since she was here. I miss her. She called me from paris the day my wisdom teeth came out.
It was effing awesome.
Yay!I can't wait until later tonight! Yay! w00t!
:( I miss you Sara and Scott and Swim Team collectively and Katherine. And Craig too.