Boise Boy & I

Over the last few weeks, Nathan and I have been growing apart. When ever we are around one another we talk and laugh and joke and hug like best friends, not lovers, do. I still love and care about him, but more in the way I care about a friend or maybe a brother. I'm okay we us just being friends. It will get him out into college dating & I can date some guys in my high school. I've kinda grown from this relationship. It's the first in which a guy has actually respected me and he's taught me that there are good guys out there. I don't want to hurt him by bring up this topic with him; for all I know he's just busy and can't do the same things he used to. But at the same time, maybe he feels the same way and just doesn't want to hurt me. One of the biggest reason I don't want to bring it up, however, deals with my friends; I worried that they will react funny. "Oh, she's broken hearted again." Or, "Poor thing, maybe we should try to set her up with someone"; I know at least one friend would pull that. I won't be broken hearted from this unless it ends up in a shouting match with us swaring curses on the others name and the like. Next time I see him I might bring it (put emphasis on "might"). Well, I'll update ya'll after I have the little talk. Ciao
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*hug* You continually amaze me. You're an amazingly strong person. --Me--