the good, the bad, & the real ugly

THE GOOD Today, it came out that me and Brady are a thing. I mean, most anybody who sees us together can tell but still, it came out in his semanary class! I'm happy, because I thought that Landon was just a fluke; just a mishap, that he never really liked me and that he would be the only guy brave/stupid enough to ask me out. But now Brady? This is good, because he's a drummer like me, so we have tonnes to talk about and we get along pretty well; we both have a lot of sacrasum, and he's a good kisser. Myth, will say, "Kissing isn't/shouldn't be the whole relationship," and she'd be right, but kissing is a perk. I will be very surpised if this relationship lasts past the end of second tri, so I will enjoy myself while I can. THE BAD My section at MC is driving me NUTS!!! I'm too mad to talk about it, but "AHHHHHHHH" should suffice. I have Solo & Ensamble night on thursday... and my ensamble is sooo not ready! Help? The Olive Branch has been retracted... I think? We haven't talked in over two weeks. Oh well. THE REAL UGLY Me! Ha ha... just joking... But really. Ug! THE REST OF THE STORY I think that... Um... yeah... talk to ya'll later? -ciao
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I'm so not approving of this "thing"...but I will let you be, and I will say "I told you so" when he breaks your heart.
Any break from Landon is a definate plus, but starting out so fast in a relationship might not be such a great idea. You know where to find me hon.