this weekend

I got to see nate for the frist time in little under a month. He'll be moving here permenatnely on August 14th... I miss him sooo much! My parents have restictied me to 2 calls a week, although I shall be petitioning for three. He's such a good kisser, and he's so nice and smart. When I asked him what kind of kid he considered himself in high school, he said jock. Understandable, considering that he wrestled, swam, and did marching band. He also said "book smart" and when asked about his track record, he said that he didn't consider himself a player, because he normally stuck with a girl for a long time. I called him "the untouchable, genius jock." He laughed... Then I asked him if he used his smarts wisely; his responce was that he did, if using them wisely was using them to get what he liked. When asked what he liked, he squezed my hand and said, "You... And money." We laughed about that one for a while. I really think I love him. ~Ciao
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yay for happy! I'm gonna call you soon and we should do something. --Me--
I really am happy for you, but just remember that you've said those words before...
Yeah, but that would only work if YOU were Catholic too. Although it does kind of suck. Also, I'm working on the directory, I sent an email to all of the leadership/staff to get them to get all the missing people (I used that email we got from Mrs. A with the section numbers). So that SHOULD be finished (I've got my fingers crossed) by the time we leave for band camp (that's if I get the rest of the missing info/people...). Anyways, love ya!