What I Couldn't Say Last Night

I looked at you, Standing in the rain Wondering what to do To help ease my pain. I tried to help you understand Why you couldn’t make it better; You’re the one who caused the pain That now makes me stutter. Did you know that I love you? Well, I love you still. It’s because of my love for you That I’m now so emotionally ill. I cried in front of you There in the rain last night Because all of our friends Say that me liking you, in not alright. They say I had my chance To be your girlfriend. But I didn’t take that chance Because I was afraid of how it would end. I had pushed my feelings, Those feelings of love, away. I told my self, repeatedly That it was better this way. But when you leaned over And kissed me so tenderly Those feelings came flooding back, And I know they wouldn’t go easily. So there we stood And I told everything to you. Everything that is, Except the one thing I wanted too. You are still my closest friend Even though I want it to be more. But I know that I can’t be, So I’ll just walk back out the door. ciao
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Don't do this to yourself hon. You dont' deserve it. You're better than that. -Myth