The Prom

So instead of going to my jr prom I went to see premonition with Cameron, Kj, and Kimmy. That movie was AWFUL! Oh my word! The ending was horrible... ug on that movie. After the movie I went to a stake dance in Nibley with the same three people that I went to the movie with. Cam was awesome, you know, just being his regular cool freshman self, but Kj and Kimmy were being total party poopers! I only knew like 7 people there but I still went up to random guys and asked them to dance. It was fun for me! Kj and Kim were embaressing me so badly that I don't think I can ever take them to The South End again! When we went to taco time after the moview they were talking about triangles and my past with guys while Cam was around; I could tell that he was way uncomfortable! And Kim was telling guys that I was a slut, and then mopeing around and telling me that she was board and wanted to go home! Well there was this one guy who wanted to dance with me and so I told Kim that after I danced with him that we would go; it was about 9:30. Well, as it turned out, Chris and I had a ton in common, so I stayed till the dance was over (around 11) and I stayed with Chris (kim was really mad about that). We both are band people (he plays the trombone), we both like to read Sci-fi, he makes me laugh and I make him laugh... Well, we got on the subject of rumors and I said that I don't get very many dates at my school because of a rumor. Chris asked what it was and Kim jumps in with, "Oh, Erin's a sult." Chris (bless his soul) told her not to call me that and that he would date me and decide for himself weather or not I was a sult. On the way home I chewed Kj & Kim out about embarsseing me all night long. I told them that if one more person calls me a sult then I will blow up and hit that person so hard that I will brake all their teeth and maybe even my hand!! Chris gave me his phone number and email address and I have decided that this could be really good for me. He was totally sweet all night, not only with standing up for me but he complemented me all night long. He said that I have "the body of a goddess" and that his awful day got a ton better after he met me. I've only knew him for like 2 hours but it felt like I had known him forever. I hope that something good with come of Chris... I think I could seriously be in some deep like with this kid. I pray that it won't be like what happened with Joe or Brady or Coltin or even Landon. I loved my prom! Ciao
Read 3 comments
Yay for nice boys. Grr for KJ and Kim for calling you a slut. *hug* from me because I love you! --me--
Thats so cute that he defended you! Sounds like a nice guy. Good luck!
Hon, I think it's great that you have found another guy who is nice and sweet and isn't judging you because of rumors, but I feel a responsibility to caution you to take it slow and be careful. I love you and don't want you to get hurt again. Love you hon. Congratulations!