The If's

If you could write all the things you said to me in a book with a hundred pages would it be enough to cover all the lies? If I could read all those things you said to me Read the lines you quoted would I believe you the way I did before? If you could take back all the words you said to me could you redeem yourself would it be enough to make me love you again? If I could forgive you take you back into my arms would I really want to trust you when the last time I tried you broke my heart? But you can't write all the lies everything you said to me there is no book big enough to cover all you said. But I can't read all those things you said Can't see the quoted lines I don't believe you anymore. But you can't take back all those words you've said in the past You can't redeem yourself that moment is too far gone. But I can't and won't ever totally forget, although forgive I might. No longer able to hide withing my embrace. You broke the trust and love--you broke my heart.
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