Damned tears

When did It end That feeling I had for you? Was it when I felt the sting of your betrayal? Or perhaps it was when sitting alone in the sunshine listening to a happy songbird I thought back to the sunny day that happy sunny day we'd spent alone togther, talking. Mayhaps it was the day listening to the cold rain rat-a-tap-tap on the grey window sills remembering the night we frolicked and played in a cold rainy storm and you'd scooped me up in your arms held me close and kissed me and whispered against my neck "I'll always love you so much". No matter when it happened to make me feel a fool. The sting is still there the anger is always there and I still can't seem to move on. No matter how hard I try I forget about those times, to forget you ever said you loved me is to attempt the ever-present impossible Of forgetting I ever loved you. That impossible act presses against me everyday as I see you walk with your arms around her, my once "best friend". And when I turn away and pretend that I haven't seen what I did with the tears springing in my eyes, I have yet to push away the pain. And instead of me getting rid of it, its slowly killing me. So when did it end? That strong passionate feeling that I once had for you? You--thief of my heart-- killed it, Murdered it. And not once did you show remorse. When did it end? It ended that day I couldn't look at you without those damned tears in my eyes.
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