And he said sorry with chocolate

On Friday, Chris called out of the blue and asked me to come to his house for a “Shin-dig.” He was sounding kinda anxious, and he told me to bring as many friends as possible. I called Morgan and asked her to come, and I wanted to call Steph and Brad, but they live in Clarkston so I wouldn’t be able to go get them. Next, I called my dad and asked him if it was okay. Papa was shocked that I was even asking; he said that if Chris made me cry again, then no one would ever find what was left of him. I went out to Smithfield and picked up Morgan, and she looked great so we went back to my house and gussied me up. I wore mostly Ali’s stuff and did my hair in a ponytail with my bangs flipped up into a twist on the top of my head. We ran into my mama on the way out the door. She asked why I was going and I said that Chris had home-made pizza at his house; Mama said that she would make me pizza if I just stayed home. I was tempted to take the offer, but I wanted to see Chris (go figure). Morgan and I had just barely entered the neighborhood that Chris lives in when my cell went off; Morgan answered it, and it was Chris. She told him that we were almost there and as we passed his house, I honked. We parked on the opposite side of the street from his house and as we got out, Chris was standing outside. We walked up to him and Chris gave her a hug. I went to walk past him, when he asked if he got a hug, so I hugged him and said hi. When we walked in, Chris shouted, “You can come out now!” Stephanie and Brad jumped out from one of the hallways. I was floored! I was so happy to see Steph that I almost cried. I was about to ask why they were there when I saw Aaron, Steph’s cousin and best friend of Chris. I walked over to sit on the couch, when Chris’s sister, Jess, mobbed me. She hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Jess and I are way tight; she’s one of my best friends. After Jess was down hugging me to death, Chris told me and Morgan to get up and come eat. Chris had made pizza, really good pizza. I took a piece and stuffed it into my mouth. It was soooo good!!! After I ate some pizza I went and found a phone and called my mama. I told her that Steph was here; she was really happy to hear that. When I went back upstairs, me, Jess, and Morgan went to the frige and found some little mousse pies. We were on our way out of the kitchen when Aaron knocked the glass bowl out of Jess’s hands… it shattered! We cleaned that up and then Jade made me eat some pie even though I didn’t want any. It was good chocolate mousse pie *contented sigh.* After the pie, Chris had us migrate downstairs to the theater room to watch a movie. We were going to watch “Deja-vu” but its rated PG-13, so Steph and Brad couldn’t watch it. We settled on “Night at the Museum.” Steph, Morgan, Jess, and I decided that we were on a date; all four of us. Then Jess and Megan had to go to bed. As they went to bed I got a coughing attack, so I went out to the family room and started coughing. Jess heard me and came to my rescue. She took me to the storage room and we got some cups, then we went back to the family room and I got a drink. Chris was hiding in his room, so Jess went and asked Aaron to see what was wrong with him, then Jess and I went into her room to talk. She told me that when Chris had gotten home the Friday before, you know, after the drive-in, he told her that he figured it was over, that I would never want to see him again. She also said that Chris was acting really weird lately, that he wasn’t talking to her as much as he used too. We had been in Jess’s room for about 15 minutes when Steph and Morgan came in. They joined our conversation about how Chris was having his time of the week. After a while, Morgan wanted to go and get Chris and have a good talking at him. I said that I would go and see if Aaron had gotten him back into the theater. I went into the theater and saw that Chris was in there, then I went back to Jess’s room. When I told Morgan that he was watching the movie, she jumped up and went to go get him. But I told her that I was okay, that we didn’t need to get him. Chris came in the room a few minutes later and said that Jess really need to get to sleep, so we gave Jess our phone numbers and email’s then gave her a kiss good night and went back to the theater. We had been in there for only a few minutes when Steph said that she had to leave, so we went to walk to her car; Jess was outside the theater talking to Chris. Jess caught up with us as we were just exiting the front door. On the way to Steph’s car we came up with the plan that when we got back inside, I would wait outside the theater with Jess and Morgan would go and get Chris. Steph told me to call her and tell her everything that happened. On our way back to the house, Jess said that Chris felt like I was trying to get back at him for last Friday by talking to his sister more then him. When we got back downstairs, Jess and I got a drink of water while Morgan went and got Chris. When he came out of the theater, Jess went to her room and me and Chris talked. He said that all week he had been trying to get a hold of Kj to plan this party; that the party was actually an “I’m so sorry I could cry,” apology party from Chris to me. He said that everything that went wrong last Friday way his fault. He said that he had been really upset all week before the drive-in and he shouldn’t have gone. He said that he still wants to date me but his parents have a rule about how he has to go on two dates before he can go out on a date with the same girl again. We are going to try to work it out I guess. We went back into the theater and Morgan said that we had to go, so Chris gave me a huge hug and said that talking to me made him feel better. Then I went home. I hope it all works out… What should I do? Should I got for it and try to make it work, or should I just cut my losses while I'm a head? Ciao
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Let time work its magic; let his actions guide yours. --Me--
honestly, i think he is full of BS...but, you never know...if you do go with him, dont let him use you. boys are really good at doing that...