What a day, what a day

A) I crashed Les (my car) into a real tall curb and crushed the rim, yesterday. My dad called around and found out that GMC doesn't make wheels for an '89 pontiac anymore, so we have no idea how to get it fixed. I'm carless until ferther notice. B) My ride didn't come to get me this morning so my dad had to take me to school. C) I got to finish watching "The Shawsank Redemption" in Sociology. Really good movie. I would highly seggest it... edited of course. D) I'm relearning how to play the string bass and my blisters are back... OHCH! E) A dude I've kinda been at war with for the last three months said hi to me today... twice! [I say kinda 'cause we haven't been talking and when we did (once at a party) we ended up yelling at each other.] It was real wierd... I'm all walking behind him down the hall and he stops at his locker and turn arounds at me and gives me a kinda shy, sweet smile and said, "Hi", in a real soft voice; like he was afriad that someone would hear him, even though we were alone the hall. Then I was walking to class and he was walking to his and as we passed he smiled at me and whispered hi... WHAT'S UP WITH THAT?!?! F) I got asked to Sweetheart Dance by a guy I've only met once. He's my friends sister's brother-in-law. He's coming up that weekend and he wanted to go to the dance, but Kim was already going with someone, so he asked Kim he could go with me... Kim told me, I asked my drum director if we would be back in time, and he said yes... I'm going to the Sweetheart Dance!!! hooray? G) Mark is still the hottest guy in the line... *sigh* if only he noticed me... Ciao :)
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Ok girl, you gotta tell me who that guy was who said hi to you in your next entry, cause your at war with quite a few. Love ya bunches QT!