Wars are for, and over, women

I lost my case this morning… I was found guilty of speeding. I’m not guilty though!! Oh, this is frustrating. I have my AP English Lit test tomorrow. I’m going to be getting a 2, at best. Today I went to have lunch with Christian at MC. I couldn’t find him so I hung with Heather and Natalie until we found him in the band room. The bell rang for class to start so Christian and I went a walking around. He as a huge lacrosse game at Mt. Timp so he didn’t have to go to his band class. We went to his locker, and he gave me a paper flower on a pencil; “Now you can’t say that I’ve never given you a flower,” was what he said. I saw Mark Durdren in the hall… He’s a snare player for this year, and just as hott as ever. When Christian’s bus came he went and put all his stuff in the undercarriage and then stood about one foot away from me and said, “This is my 90.” (we have a 90/10 rule) I shook my head and said, “Not even!” We heard a window roll down, and a lacrosse player stuck his head out the window, “Just hug her, man!” I turned to the bus and said, putting my hand on Christian’s shoulder, “This guy is so embarrassed that I even came today. I came to see him and he won’t even tell me good-bye.” Then I turned around and pretended to cry. Pretty soon all the windows were rolled down and just about everyone on the bus was yelling at Christian to hug me. One guy shouted, “Who is she, dude? I’ll kiss her!” That made me laugh. I felt Chris’s hand on my shoulder, and he gave me a weak hug. I shrugged, said good-bye and blew a kiss to the rest of the bus; that made the players hoot and holler even louder. As I walked away, I heard the bus say, “Come on dude, your girl blew a kiss to us! She wants a kiss from you!” After I got about half way to the door to go back into to school, I heard the bus shouting, “Wait! Hold on! Hey gorgeous, wait!!” I turned around and Christian was running towards me. He hit me full force and gave me a huge hug. “You waited,” he whispered, surprised. I laughed and then he kissed me on the forehead. The buses hooting and laugher hit a climax. I wished Christian good luck then walked to my car. I like this kid…. A whole ton!!!!!!!!! Ciao
Read 3 comments
I'm sorry about the ticket thing. About the Chris thing, good for you, but I would still be carefuel. -Myth

oh my! a guy that runs after you and kisses you on the forehead..heaven! keep him, babe! by the way this is johanna,haha. i love you! mmmmm...
wow i love ur profile
will you comment my new entry with some advice pls i need as much advice as i could get...
Much love,
Heart Broken