
I look back to those months to the time spent alone before all of this happened and I wish that none of it had ever been done That nothing had ever been said. No action had ever been portrayed. I've been torn down past what I used to think I could handle Been treated like the nothing people seem to think that I am. But I'm not a nothing Please don't forget me. I'm not insignificant. I know they'll never see these words the people who have forgotten, I know they'll ever know the hurt their actions and distrust has caused. And I know that even my having been honest with them isn't good enough; no trust. Don't forget friends now all those of you who read. Friends will last longer than relationships, hatred, and pain. But only if you let them Because friends are worth so much more. Those friends who say things that hurt you now could very well end up true and they don't say them to you in hopes that they will bring you pain but rather in belief that you will understand; They love you and don't want to see your tears. It may not seem like they care at all, those friends whose words could ring true I wish I'd had friends like those To have warned me from that pain But alas! I had none to warn me and here I am today, happy now, except for the pain I caused a friend. Perhaps not for me are words to her spoken from afar Maybe I'll grow silent in hopes that she'll forgive. Or perhaps one day she'll find these words and have it in her heart to forgive and rather than forget a friend.
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